- popular
- Words commonly used in modern Japanese #popular
- JLPT N1 words: Advanced Level #jlpt1
- noun
- noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
- noun (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
- な adjective
- Adjectival nouns (keiyō-dōshi) or adjectives finishing in な before they modify a noun. #adj-na
- adjective (generic)
- All kinds of Japanese adjectives #adj
- abbreviation
- An abbreviation is a shorter way to write a word or phrase. #abbr
- slang
- Informal words or expressions likely to be interpreted by listeners as implying particular attitudes on the part of the speaker. #sl
- expression
- Words or phrases, used to convey an idea. #exp
- knap, chic, keurig, fijn, koket, smaakvol, stijlvol, {Belg.N.} deftig
- aanstellerig, geaffecteerd, gemaakt, gekunsteld, komedianterig, histrionisch, gemaniëreerd, nuffig
- knap, chic, keurig, fijn, verfijnd, koket, smaakvol, stijlvol, {Belg.N.} deftig, jeuïg, sjeuïg, kruimig
- gevat, clever, slim
- gewaagd, pittig, sappig, pikant
- op een na (de) beste, tweede
- {onderw.} B, op één na hoogste graad
- knap, chic, keurig, fijn, verfijnd, smaakvol, stijlvol, {Belg.N.} deftig, jeuïg, sjeuïg, kruimig
- gevat, clever, slim
- gewaagd, pittig, sappig, pikant
- étrange, chic, piquant, romantique, spirituel
- deuxième signe du zodiaque chinois, deuxiéme dans l'ordre
- fein, elegant, schick, schmuck, höchst elegant
- eigentümlich, ausgefallen, sonderbar
- seltsam, ungewöhnlich
- merkwürdig, mysteriös, wundersam
- danke!, danke für die Mühe!
- tschüss!, bis dann!
- zweites der zehn Kalenderzeichen, Zweiter (in einer Serie, die mit kō・otsu beginnt), otsu-Tonstufe, leichte Schlagweise einer Trommel, bei der das Fell nicht gleich freigegeben wird
- schick, elegant, stylish, ausgefallen, seltsam, komisch, sonderbar
- másodrendű, furcsa, különös, meglepő, szokatlan, divatos, elegáns, ízléses, sikkes, borsos, fűszerfélékben gazdag, fűszernövényekben gazdag, ízes, jóízű, pikáns, zamatos, bizarr, fura, homoszexuális
- 1) второй циклический знак, 2) второй, Б, б (при перечислении); (ср.) こう【甲I】2, 1): {~な} а) редкостный; странный; оригинальный; б) превосходный; тонкий, изысканный, 2): {~に} как-то особенно
- clase B, divertido, sabroso, creído
How to write
Kanji in this word
Collocations and expressions using 乙
Extended information
- JMDict ID: 1182940
- JMdictDB entry
- Short URL: https://jpdct.com/Egzc
- Appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi (see wordfreq.README) on the first 12.000 words.
- Frequency-of-use ranking in the wordfreq file: 22
Adjective declension
Plain | |
Present | Loading... 乙だおつだotsuda |
Negative | Loading... 乙じゃないおつじゃないotsujanai |
Past | Loading... 乙だったおつだったotsudatta |
Past negative | Loading... 乙じゃなかったおつじゃなかったotsujanakatta |
Te form | Loading... 乙でおつでotsude |
Adverbial | Loading... 乙におつにotsuni |
Keigo (polite) | |
Present | Loading... 乙ですおつですotsudesu |
Negative | Loading... 乙ではありませんおつではありませんotsudehaarimasen |
Past | Loading... 乙でしたおつでしたotsudeshita |
Past negative | Loading... 乙ではありませんでしたおつではありませんでしたotsudehaarimasendeshita |
Example sentences
- Japanese sentence
- 彼女の着物と帯の取り合わせはおつだね。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
- Japanese sentence
- 甲の損は乙の得。Loading...
- Sentence analysis
- Meaning
Adjective declension
Plain | |
Present | Loading... 乙だきのとだkinotoda |
Negative | Loading... 乙じゃないきのとじゃないkinotojanai |
Past | Loading... 乙だったきのとだったkinotodatta |
Past negative | Loading... 乙じゃなかったきのとじゃなかったkinotojanakatta |
Te form | Loading... 乙できのとでkinotode |
Adverbial | Loading... 乙にきのとにkinotoni |
Keigo (polite) | |
Present | Loading... 乙ですきのとですkinotodesu |
Negative | Loading... 乙ではありませんきのとではありませんkinotodehaarimasen |
Past | Loading... 乙でしたきのとでしたkinotodeshita |
Past negative | Loading... 乙ではありませんでしたきのとではありませんでしたkinotodehaarimasendeshita |