

popularnounnoun (generic)idiomatic expression


Words commonly used in modern Japanese #popular
noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
noun (generic)
All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun
idiomatic expression
Expressions, words, or phrases that have a figurative meaning conventionally understood by native speakers. #id



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Tengu 天狗

The Japanese Goblin: Tengu 天狗

What do you know about the Japanese mythological creature tengu?

The Japanese Goblin or Tengu 👺天狗 (literally “heaven dog”) is another kind of creature appearing in traditional Japanese folklore. It is a supernatural being usually depicted with a bird-like appearance (with fears and beak). Later on his form was humanized and what it was the beak became a really long human nose.

They are supposed to be the ghosts of angry, vain or heretical priests, possessing people and talking trough their mouths.

Kanji in this word

Collocations and expressions using 天狗


Extended information

  • JMDict ID: 1438850
  • JMdictDB entry
  • Short URL:
  • Appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi (see wordfreq.README) on the last 12.000 words.
  • This word is detected as being common, but is not included in other lists.
  • Frequency-of-use ranking in the wordfreq file: 26